advantages of dry fruits for diabetic patients

Importance of Dry fruits for diabetic patients?

Diabetic patients are increasing day by day in the world, The battle against diabetes can not be fight only with supplements but also make a choice. It’s up to you rather to eat healthy food for healthy body or supplements, Diabetes is a type of disease which is occurred in human body when glucose level of body is too high in human body, it can ever cause to damage your blood vessels, risk of developing heart and circulatory diseases are increased, therefore it is necessary to limit such dangerous disease.

Is dry fruit beneficial for a diabetic patient?

Experts suggest that dry fruit family like dates, pistachios, almonds, cashews, and peanuts are beneficial for Diabetes because they offer low glycemic index and can be used in dietary schedule, these dry fruits do not cause blood sugar spikes like other foods hence are considered as best choice for diabetes.

We have tried to cover all necessary dry fruits which needs everyone to make a part of their diet. Some major dry fruits family is discussed in this article, that are enriched with almost nutrition’s, which are required to overcome and control diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease, that is related to metabolism of human body. Diabetes takes place when pancreas stops producing sufficient insulin which definitely affect the blood and sugar level of human body.

How to control diabetes?

To eliminate diabetes fully is not possible yet, it can be controlled, and patients are advised to adopt alternative like, regular walkout, a good diet, fiber-rich food, and healthy fruits.

A little bit concentration is required when you are thinking to control your diabetes, improving diabetes is only possible when you live in active lifestyles and healthy eating habits, regular exercise and supplements suggested by doctor consultancy.

Some regular activities are mentioned below by adopting them you can control your diabetic level.

  • Embrace an active life style
  • Follow health eating habits
  • Staying stress free
  • Always adopt healthy foods which provide you with complete nutrition.
  • Diabetes 8% depends upon your healthy eating habits, if you take full nutrition food, then your body remain healthy and fit.

Factors responsible for a somebody finding diagnosed through diabetes.

  • Idle routine
  • Overweightness
  • Family history of diabetic patients
  • Extraordinary cholesterol
  • Excessive blood pressure
  • Excessively weight or overweight
  • A smaller amount consumes fruits, vegetables, nut seeds etc.
  • Alcohol and Tabaco utilization
  • Stress, depression, and overthinking

How dry fruits can be helpful for diabetic patients?

  • Dry fruits have a large concentration of nutrition and vitamins, they possess denser taste and nutrition value because they are sun-dried fruits.
  • These fruits are rich source of fructose, consuming it by a diabetic patient may be beneficial in controlling blood sugar levels.
  • These fruits can additionally boost your nutrition profile, that can help you in controlling and contributing to diagnoses of diabetes.
  • These patients also need more attention when making some dietary changes.

Dry fruits offer you:

Dry fruits are considered as Super foods for human body, that can improve diabetes patient gain diabetes in control and enhance immunity. Some best qualities are discussed below:

  • Rich vitamins, minerals, proteins, dietary fibers, and unsaturated fatty acids
  • Having great taste, they act as natural sweetener for diabetic patients
  • Also helps in regulating body weight and can be used for weight loosing
  • It can protect cardio health and keep blood pressure under control
  • These fruits are highly beneficial cholesterol patients as well

Since every person has different diagnoses and different level of diseases, I would personally suggest you consult a doctor or expert before adding new dry fruits for diabetes to your diet.

Dry fruit family for diabetes

For controlling your sugar level, you must know the taste of these foods and must understand which dry fruits are necessary for diabetes. One great bunch of fruit is discussed below:


Pistachios offers you multiple benefits for your health, which are mentioned below:

  • It will help you keep your weight under control, and also help you in loosing weight as they can keep stomach full for long hours.
  • By promoting full nutrition’s to your body, these nuts can also used for controlling cholesterol level in your body.
  • The best time to consume these nuts in between meals.

2. Almonds (Badam)

  • It can control insulin level in diabetic patients by consuming almonds after a meal or at the start of the day.
  • Almonds enriched by Vitamin E and antioxidants which improve blood sugar levels and keep digestive system healthy, result in reducing cardiovascular disease.
  • Patients who suffering from types 2 diabetes must consume 4 to 5 water-soaked almonds daily.

 3.Cashews (Pista)

  • By possessing anti-diabetic properties, these nuts help in controlling glucose level in your body, this property makes cashews more suitable dry fruit for diabetic patients.
  • Another advantage of taking cashews on daily basis can regulate sugar level, blood pressure, body weight and cholesterol level however it is always suggested to consume cashews only when unsalted.

4. Peanuts 

Peanuts offer quite high in fat and calories that can lead to weight gain if you tend to overeat them.

  • By possessing rich fiber and protein content, Peanuts are Very famous as diabetes-friendly dry fruits.
  • Easy to consume these nuts because they have low glycemic content, but they help in regulating glucose levels.
  • One caution diabetic patient must know before using, patient must not consume salty peanuts otherwise it may affect cholesterol level.

5.Dates (Khajoor)

Dates have low glycemic index, that makes it safest dry fruit for diabetic patients.

  • It also plays important role while controlling blood sugar levels of both type1 and type2 diabetic patients.
  • Additionally, the present of antioxidants helps in blood pressure control.


Diabetes is continuously rising in the world; it is important to limit this otherwise it may affect everyone. The battle against diabetes can not fight only with supplements or medicines but also make a choice. It’s up to you rather to eat healthy food for healthy body or supplements, and I would suggest you prefer dry fruits for healthy body which will be best choice to make a part of your diet as you can control diabetes easily.

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