What is blended or hybrid learning

What is blended learning?

Blended learning defines a method where conventional classroom way of teaching merged with eLearning or online digital media, therefore the modern web based online study based method take place instead of conventional face-to-face teaching method. Don’t think that this blended learning method replaces the physical existence of teacher and students in the classroom, but the student keeps some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace. There are numerous of resources accessible that help an instructor to use blended learning. The addition of face-to-face and web-based education to support improve the classroom experience and extend learning across the modern use of information and communications technology. Blended strategies enhance student engagement and learning through online activities to the course curriculum and improve effectiveness and efficiencies by reducing lecture time.

Blended Learning, Types of Blended Learning, Hybrid Learning Models of Hybrid Learning

Blended Learning or it is also called Hybrid Learning. In this, the student must learn by sitting in front of the teacher, there is tested to face interaction and similarly you must have heard another thing which is called digital Learning. In which students live on the way with the teacher on the main application on the projector, on the Internet, there can be a huge distance between the teacher and the student, and when these two things are combined, face to face and digital learning. If it goes then, it is said that physical plus digital learning is combined, which is waiting for learning means online courses.

There are different models, the first model is called the replacement model, then we will discuss the supplementary in the same way. In the replacement model, the student was told, it is known that before coming to the class, you have read something related to the topic, you have come after watching some videos online or by watching recorded lectures, time can be easily managed and learning can be done, that is, our teaching-learning process should run well.

In supplementary model, students do mostly types of tours with face-to-face learning inside the class. It is a luxury, so during the lecture, the teacher, after providing an online link, will show the link on the big screen or else the content that he is teaching will be related to the content, i.e., some other content. Will show it on the screen or projector with the help of technology.

Then number three, there are online resource centres from where students have to learn something, these resource centres have timings. There are instructors who help the students, you must have seen the spice, or you must have heard about virtual university, where teachers are not present but there are instructors. They deliver lectures of different subjects in face-to-face time and student class Sitting inside, watch those lecturers on a big screen or projector. if there is any problem, then the instructor helps the student.

The buffer model: In this model, the student is given face to face activity along with online, both are involved, they come from home after reading something from home, teacher comes online and some part of it is learned inside the classroom. Those who like to read, understand well alone, those who want to learn well in groups, who have face to face interaction in front of the teacher, this is the best model for their learning. I want to say that they can learn well and those who want to learn face to face they can learn face to face well.

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