Asian tapir in Safari bali zoo

Great news for animal lovers!

Big news from the Bali Zoo – they’ve just welcomed a new buddy to their family: Yuni the Asian Tapir! Imagine a shy jungle creature with a black and white coat, like a big, friendly pig. So, if you are looking for some wild fun, come hang out with Tapir and her awesome gang at the Bali Zoo!

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Discover Yuni the Asian Tapir at Bali Zoo!

Exciting news from the Bali Zoo in Gianyar Regency! Bali Zoo in Gianyar Regency has added new member to their animal family: an Asian Tapir (tapirus indicus) just in time for the busy Lebaran Holidays 2024.

Quoted by the National News Agency Antara, Emma Kristiniana Chandra, spokesperson for Bali Zoo, said, “We welcome the arrival of an Asian Tapir that can now be viewed at the Bali Zoo.”

Visitors can observe the behavior of the shy jungle-dwelling tapir renowned for its loud shrieking voice and its diet of leaves and fruit. The black and white tapir can still be found easily in the jungles of Sumatra. The nose of the tapir bears a striking resemble to a small trunk, not unlike an elephant’s trunk. A solitary animal, the Asian Tapir can grow to a length of 1.9-2.4 meters and 90-107 meters high. Weights can range to a maximum of 320 kilograms. 

The Bali Zoo got a new family member, a tapir! There are already 600 animals from 65 species there in Zoo. Now, the tapir is part of the gang too! So, when you visit, you’ll meet the tapir and all its pals.

Bali Zoo’s newest addition to its collection of fauna is a female Tapir named Yuni.

The tapir, which has a body shape that is similar to a rhinoceros or a giant pig. it is threatened with extinction and is on the “red list” of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This species is protected under Indonesian Regulation Number 7 of 1999.

In addition to the many exotic animals at The Bali Zoo awaiting visitors over the Idul Fitri 2024 national holidays. The Zoo has implemented several facility improvements, including the addition of new ticket lockets, that increasing the total from 6 to 8. Parking at the Zoo has been increased to accommodate 222 cars, 53 motorcycles, and 15 tourist buses. 

The Zoo managers has planned for the number of visitors to double during the holiday period from an average of 800 – 1,000 on weekdays to 1,200 – 1,500 on weekends. 

Total zoo visitors are comprised of 50% domestic tourists and 50% foreigners

Admission prices at The Bali Zoo remain unchanged at Rp. 140,000 for domestic adult visitors and Rp. 100,000 for domestic child visitors. Foreign nationals visiting the Zoo pay Rp 395,000 for adults and Rp. 280,000 for children.


The Bali Zoo welcomes its newest member, Yuni the Asian Tapir, just in time for the Lebaran Holidays. With over 600 animals and recent facility upgrades, visitors can enjoy an enriching experience while supporting conservation efforts. Don’t miss the chance to meet Yuni and explore the wonders of the zoo!


How does the Asian Tapir’s behavior differ from other animals?

The Asian Tapir’s behavior differs from other animals due to its shy nature and unique vocalizations, such as loud shrieking. Additionally, as a solitary animal, the tapir exhibits distinct behaviors and interactions compared to more social species within the zoo’s collection.

Are there tigers in Bali Zoo?

If you love to enjoy animals play, then you must spend some time at the Bali Zoo. You can see lions, tigers, deer, elephants and much more!

What is the best time to go to the Bali Zoo?

The best time to visit the Bali Zoo
between 09.00 AM- 12.00 PM 

By Rizwan

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